Penulis: Anton Suriyadi Siagian Kategori: Jurnal Nalar Keadilan Penerbit: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Jakarta Tahun Terbit: 2021 ISSN: 2798-8988 (cetak) Halaman: 1-15 Pages Universitas: Universitas Jakarta Dimensi: _ Ukuran File: 1 MB Download
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The problem of narcotics crime has become a problem of the nation and nations in the world that is always being discussed. All over the world, the problem of narcotics abuse is almost all the problems of the nations. The abuse of narcotics can certainly cause damage to physical, mental health, emotions and attitudes in society. The problem of narcotics abuse has threatened society and the nation so that it has become an organized crime within the scope of both the national and the international world. Article 1 number 15 of Law Number 35 Year 2009 concerning Narcotics, states that an abuser is a person who uses narcotics without rights and against the law. People who use narcotics illegally and illegally here can be classified as addicts and traffickers who use and traffick narcotics. Then Article 7 of the Narcotics Law states that narcotics can only be used for the benefit of health services and / or the development of science and technology. The law also provides a very clear explanation. The Narcotics Law basically has 2 (two) sides, namely a humanist side to narcotics addicts, and a tough and firm side to dealers, syndicates and narcotics dealers.
Keywords: Narcotics Crime, Narcotics Law, Narcotics Crime




Ketua Penyunting (Editor In Chief)

Suwanto, S.H., M.H


Pengelola Editor (Managing Editor)

Richo Alda Pratama, M.Kom


Dewan Penyunting (Editorial Board)

Ahmad Farhan Choirullah, S.H.I., M.A

Ali Umar Harahap., S.H., M.H

Sukamto, S.H., M.H

Rad. Cloud Dirgantoro, S.H., M.H

Muh. Ikhsan, S.H., M.H


Mitra Bebestari (Reviewer)

Dr. Hamdan Azhar Siregar, S.H., M.H / Universitas Islam Jakarta

Dr. Untoro, S.H., M.H / Universitas Islam Jakarta

Dr. Papang Saptari / Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Hukum IBLAM Jakarta

Dr. Hartanto, S.H., M.H / Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta

Dr. Indra Gunawan Purba, S.H., M.H / Universitas Al-Azhar Medan

Sabela Gayo, S.H., M.H., P.hD., CPL., ACIArb / Praktisi Hukum Kontrak & Ketua DPP PERKAHPI


Alamat Redaksi :​​ 

Fakultas Hukum Universitas Jakarta

Jln. Pulomas Barat (Villa Tanah Mas), Jakarta Timur, 13210

E-mail : richo.aldap@gmail.com



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